
1- Open Lightroom Mobile
2- Click on the (...) Settings Button and choose Add Photos option
3- Choose the location on your phone (for example Dropbox) where you downloaded your files
4 - Select the presets you want to work with
5- .dng file will install in Lightroom Mobile
6- Choose .dng file you have installed before, then click on the (...) Settings Button and click on the Copy Settings
7 - Click on Select All, then unselect Crop setting and click on OK button
8 - Choose a picture you would like to edit in Mobile Lightroom
9 - Click on the (...) Settings Button and then click on the Paste Settings

lightroom desktop

1. Make sure your computer and Lightroom are up to date. 
2. Save presets in folder on Desktop.
3. Open Lightroom and make sure you are in the Develop module.
4. In the panel on the left under "Presets," right click and select "import"

acr desktop

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